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AnshX.Tech Anshx.tech

I dographic design& code.

Who's this guy?

My name is Anshpreet.

I am a web developer and UX designer based in the beautiful Northern Part of India.

I really enjoy solving problems as well as making things pretty and easy to use. I can't stop learning new things; the more, the better. I also love photography, a hobby I'm taking along since the good old film cameras. Oh, and rice with milk; I have a passion for rice with milk!

What does he do?

I'm a programmer.

For the front-end I usually work with Javascript, either standalone or including popular frameworks like ReactJS and VueJS. I also make the web pretty by using Sass, CSS and, whenever needed, any of their friends: Bootstrap, Bulma, etc.

For the back-end I also work with Javascript (NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, etc). But, of course, whenever the project requires PHP, I do PHP as well (Wordpress, Laravel, etc).

Also a designer.

I feel comfortable working with many Adobe products. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom or Xd are some kind of industry standards and I love working with them. I'm not limited to them, though: Gimp, Inkscape or Figma are also very valid applications that I've been working with.

User interfaces, brochures, books, branding... You name it! As I mentioned, creating pretty things is particularly important for me.

My Works

Here's a list of most of the projects I've been working on lately. All of these were built during my coding camp adventure on anshx.tech , and many other websites, where I've been coding for almost 7 months non-stop until I completed all the projects required to get my Full-Stack Developer certification.

Screenshot of examgoals.online.

Built using Node, Express, MongoDB, CSS + Bulma, React.js and React Router.

This is a full-stack website that I made which lets students of class 12 watch lectures and also get any study material they need

Screenshot of Daily Expense Tracker.

Daily Expense Tracker.
Built using Node, Express, MongoDB, JS + jQuery + Axios, CSS + Bootstrap and Pug.

Another full-stack website to keep track of expenditures and savings in more better way.

Screenshot of Online Notes Sharing System.

Online Notes Sharing System.
Built using Node, Express, MongoDB, JS + jQuery, CSS + Bootstrap and Pug.

A full-stack website to let users to share their amazing notes with others {Pays regular notes uploaders as per their content}.

Screenshot of Games.

Built using Node, Express, MongoDB, JS + jQuery, CSS + Bootstrap and Pug.

Yet another full-stack website to let users play interactive games.

Screenshot of File- Share.

File- Share.
Built using Node, Express, JS + jQuery, CSS + Bootstrap and Pug.

Another full-stack for enabling users to share their unique link/websites/stuff with close ones in minimal way.

Screenshot of URL Shortener .

URL Shortener .
Built using Node, Express, CSS + Bootstrap and Pug.

A microservice which takes a raw URL and makes it a short link to make it easy to sent it through the Internet.

Screenshot of Music Player.

Music Player.
Built using Node, Express, VueJS + Vue Router and CSS + Bootstrap.

A service which lets the users listen to their favourite music in very aesthetic looking music player on their browser with lag and ad free experience and also share .

Screenshot of Movies Search.

Movies Search.
Built using CSS, JS and D3.js.

searching, for movies , bing here and also see what others have view about this


Built using CSS, JS and D3.js.

Bootstrap themed custom video streaming Experience with comments .

Screenshot of EDU TOOLS.

Built using CSS, JS and D3.js.

Tools to upgrade your studying scheme

Screenshot of Random Quoting Machine.

Random Quoting Machine.
Built using VueJS, Axios and CSS + Bootstrap.

A random quoting app which shows you best quotes from all over the world

Screenshot of Calculator.

Built using React and CSS.

A project on which I built a virtual calculator with its usual features.

Screenshot of Pomodoro Timer.

Pomodoro Timer.
Built using React, CSS and lots of SVG.

A cute and animated Pomodoro clock to help the users improve their productivity.

Screenshot of TicTacToe Game.

TicTacToe Game.
Built using React, CSS and SVG.

A TicTacToe game with a basic AI algorithm made for the legacy front-end projects on FreeCodeCamp.

Screenshot of PHP based Blog System.

PHP based Blog System.
Built using VueJS, Axios and Scss.

Simple Twitch clone using the new Twitch Helix API and made for the legacy front-end projects on FreeCodeCamp.

Screenshot of Weather App.

Weather App.
Built using VueJS, Axios and CSS.

App that present the users with the current local weather for their location.

Screenshot of Tribute.

Built using vanilla Javascript and Scss.

Tribute page to Aaron Swartz, a static website built with SCSS and plain Javascript.

Screenshot of NSG CONFESSIONS.

Built using vanilla Javascript and Scss.

An animated survey form.


Built using php , vanilla Javascript and Scss.

A dynamic page for creating UPI Payment page to share with friends,family and clients).

Screenshot of Technical Documentation Page.

Technical Documentation Page.
Built using React and CSS.

A technical documentation page made for a little React library I published on NPM.

Want to
contact me?

Please, use the form below or send an email to webanshxtech: